I went sailing yesterday for the first time this year. I have been working on the boat and the garden as soon as the rain stopped this spring.
My daughter and her husband, Jennifer and Andrew, were along and it was Andrew's first time on a sailboat.
My new mast raising "A" frame worked great. The outboard,which was running fine last fall when I winterized it, refused to run. It would start and then die. Fuel pump is probably the culprit.
"So this sheet goes here ..." |
"Jen, you just knocked over my drink." |
"Are you sure this is going to work?" |
"Well, if the wind holds we may make it back to the ramp?" |
I'll try to get out next week with a repaired motor. I ordered a fuel pump repair kit. It is amazing, you can get parts for a 1989 Evinrude on line.